
CAE frame work for aerodynamic design development of automotive vehicles

CAE frame work for aerodynamic design development of automotive vehicles

Maximizing fuel efficiency of a vehicle is one of the prime areas of focus in the highly competitive automotive industry which requires development of efficient and optimized vehicle designs. External aero analysis using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) techniques is widely used in the accurate estimation of an automotive vehicle’s drag coefficient, often critical in determining […]

Exploring the Flow Around a Simplified Bus with Large Eddy Simulation and Topological Tools

Exploring the Flow Around a Simplified Bus with Large Eddy Simulation and Topological Tools

Cranfield Team F1: Side-parts

Cranfield Team F1: Side-parts

On Transient Modeling of the Flow Around Vehicles Using the Reynolds Equation

On Transient Modeling of the Flow Around Vehicles Using the Reynolds Equation

Cranfield Team F1: Study of a front wing

Cranfield Team F1: Study of a front wing

Cranfield team F1: the front wing

Cranfield team F1: the front wing

Cranfield Formula 1 Team is a group design project composed of five students, each of them being responsible for the design of one part of the vehicle. The present thesis deals with the front wing design. According to the time allowed to do the thesis and to learn the relevant software to use, three models […]

Cranfield University Formula 1 team: an aerodynamic study of the cockpit

Cranfield University Formula 1 team: an aerodynamic study of the cockpit

The importance of aerodynamics to a modern Formula 1 racing car are quantified and illustrated through the design procedure of the cockpit models investigated in this study. This is one of five individual studies carried out on different aerodynamic components of a Formula 1 racing vehicle by the Cranfield University Formula 1 Team.. An overview […]

Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around a Ground Vehicle Body

Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around a Ground Vehicle Body

Automotive Soiling Simulation Based On Massive Particle Tracing


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