Car Digital Drawing and Painting Tutorials

Automotive Interior Render in Photoshop

Automotive Interior Render in Photoshop

A time-lapsed video of an automotive interior rendering process in Photoshop. Original time: 3.5 hours.

Mid engine sports car quick Photoshop rendering

Mid engine sports car quick Photoshop rendering

A speeded-up video by Hanbin Youn from SketchMotive, showing the rendering process of a detailed sports car.

Car rendering using markers and Photoshop

Car rendering using markers and Photoshop

In this video demo Sangwon Seok shows how he sketches a car using pencils and markers and then uses it as an underlay for finalizing the render in Photoshop.

Car sketch render technique

Car sketch render technique

A video that shows the an exploration of techniques for quickly rendering car sketches in Photoshop.

BMW Concept Sketch and Render demo

BMW Concept Sketch and Render demo

A time-lapse demo video of a quick car sketch and render of a concept car. Done in Photoshop.

Photoshop Demo Car Sketch #2

Photoshop Demo Car Sketch #2

A video that shows the creation process of a car sketch render in Photoshop using various techniques to achieve a dirty, analogue look. The description includes a download link for the Photoshop brushes ABR file.

Sketchover #7

Sketchover #7 – Car rendering in Photoshop

Local Motors community member Extreme shows his technique for creating a car digital rendering in Photoshop  using another member’s design sketch as a base.

Sideview sketch tutorial

Sideview sketch tutorial

A PDF tutorial on how to create a sideview sketch followed by a quick coloring in Photoshop. PSD file available. Offered by SketchMonkeys, a new website that offers design sketching tutorials, for both traditional and digital media. Offers premium tutorials to paid subscribers via

Quick car rendering tutorial

Quick car rendering tutorial

A free car rendering tutorial by SketchMonkeys, a new website that offers design sketching tutorials, for both traditional and digital media. Offers premium tutorials to paid subscribers via

How to draw a concept car

How to draw a concept car

Another video by Artem Smirnov, who shows his process for drawing and rendering a concept car in Photoshop. In Russian with English subtitles.

Sketchover #6

Sketchover #6 – Car reflections tutorial

In this new sketchover, Aurélien François from Local Motors shows an effective and easy technique to render a chrome finish with specular reflections.

Car digital rendering tutorial

Car digital rendering tutorial

A video tutorial by designer Artem Smirnov, who shows how to render a car drawing in Photoshop. Narrated in Russian, with English subtitles.

Car sketchover tutorial #4

Car sketchover tutorial #4

A sketchover tutorial by Aurel Francois from Local Motors, who shows how to create an effective front view sketch using Autodesk SketchBook Pro.

Pickup Photoshop sketchover tutorial

Pickup Photoshop sketchover tutorial

In this article designer Aurel Francois from Local Motors explains how to turn a handmade sketch – done by Braunarsch – into a final polished rendering using Photoshop.

Car Sketching with SketchBook Pro 7 Perspective Tool

Car Sketching with SketchBook Pro 7 Perspective Tool

A visual tutorial by designer and instructor Bernie Walsh, who shows how to use the new Perspective Tool of SketchBook Pro 7 to quickly create a design sketch. Done as a class demo on a Wacom Companion.

Car Photoshop Coloring Tutorial

Car Photoshop Coloring Tutorial

This video tutorial by Aurel Francois from Local Motors shows a way to color a sketch using the most basic tools of Photoshop (from Elements to CS).

How to render a car sketch

How to render a car sketch

A video tutorial by Marouane Bembli who explains a quick way for create a car digital rendering in Photoshop starting from a line drawing.

Camaro Concept Digital Rendering Tutorial

Camaro Concept Digital Rendering Tutorial

A digital rendering visual walkthrough by Lawrence Technological University student Ahmed Ghamloush.


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