50 years of Corvette design

by: General Motors 26 Apr 2007 | 8 views
Year: 2003 | Document Type: REPORT | File Format: pdf | Language: uk
50 years of Corvette design
GM - GMability Education 5-8 - 75 Years of Design (1960's).


The Corvette always has been a design trendsetter. No matter which generation, its bold, curvaceous shape is uniquely, unmistakably Corvette, never to be confused with another.

The long flowing lines, voluptuous, round fenders, quad taillights and the once-maligned split window are but some of Corvette’s trademark cues.

Remaining true to the heritage always has been a priority for Corvette’s designers, and is quite evident when looking at 50 years of Corvette.

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