I have been thinking back to one of the first decisions that had to be made when starting our company.
The name.
It is obviously very important so worth taking time to consider it, as it will be an identity that you will represent, and vice versa, for some time. As your calling card it can say a lot about the company and will give a certain impression to potential clients. Although not the be all and end all, it can make a difference. So deciding whether it is easily pronounced or spelled, will look good graphically, relate to the industry you are in or taking the opposite approach and going against convention for the sector, needs to be thought through.
Like everyone in the position of naming their business I went through a number thought processes and ideas.
I rejected the use of my name because I was clear that the company should have an identity of its own and when people joined they would influence the character through their involvement. It would also be able to carry on trading without me involved if need be. I also knew I wanted a name that wouldn’t become an acronym like BMW, nor just letters with no meaning.
One approach I took was to think about what traits I believe it takes to succeed; determination, ambition and drive.

From first Logo and business card to current
The more I thought about it drive was clearly the obvious choice, for sure the character aspect, clearly car and vehicle related, and it is what I love to do. Along with 99% of people involved in the car design industry.
As with a lot of people over the last few months I have been reassessing life and business. An important part of that process being listening to podcasts – especially in the middle of the night. One in particular, The Futur with Chris Do, has been a major source of inspiration and a re-energiser.
So it seemed appropriate to use this image from one of his twitter posts – a potential chapter for his (well worth reading) book ‘A Pocket Full of Do’.
Now is a time for focus and drive, as our company passes through it’s 25th year, in order to steer a clear future direction.
top image credit – Chris Do – the futur