The Virtual Automotive Paint Shop

by: Song Cheng, Han, Jing Yuan 18 Nov 2010 | 101 views
Year: 2008 | Document Type: paper | File Format: html | Language: uk
The Virtual Automotive Paint Shop
CSSE '08 Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering - Volume 02


Along with the variation of the market circumstance, the automotive industry has to be confronted with various challenges.

In order to satisfy the customers’ requirement of Improving the quality and filling at the price, the product life cycles must be shortened more and more. Most automotive factories introduce into some new virtual manufacture systems and virtual applied technique in plant.

For the sake of coping with the thus market variety, the sense of the virtual design is to find and correct the demerit of the frame. Another benefit is that the devisers have enough time and capacity to judge of various schemes, study various assumptions and provide innovative design.

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