Digital Styling for Designers: in Prospective Automotive Design

by: Seok-Hyung Bae and Ryugo Kijima 21 Nov 2010 | 25 views
Year: 2003 | Document Type: paper | File Format: pdf | Language: uk
Digital Styling for Designers: in Prospective Automotive Design
Proceedings of VSMM 2003.


Although a great part of the new-product development process in automotive industry is already digitalized to some degree, the level of digitalization of the styling process is not so high particularly in view of concurrent engineering.

This paper is (1) to investigate the state-of-the-art of computer-aided styling (CAS), (2) to propose desirable CAS guidelines reflecting the characteristics of the automotive styling process, and (3) to suggest three possible CAS alternatives based on the guidelines: (a) the digital design sketch, (b) real-size spline curve modification system, and (c) direct 3D shape creation method for professional automotive stylists.

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